analyzed job listings on Glassdoor to find out hiring trends to watch for in 2020 in the American tech job market. The analysis includes data for 33 IT occupations in the 25 largest US cities and surrounding towns.
The analysis showed that, by a number of occurrences, the most popular programming languages that can be spotted in job listings in the United States are Java, JavaScript, and Python. They are by a long shot far ahead of other popular programming languages such as C and Go. K, C++, R, Ruby, and PHP also make the top 10.
JavaScript, Python, Go, and Ruby are also in the top 10 trending programming languages, as it was shown by the analysis of Google Trends in August 2020.
Other popular hard skills (frameworks, libraries, markup and query languages, platforms, tools, etc.) sought after by US employers include SQL, AWS, Azure, CSS, HTML, Angular, and Docker.
Among other things, the analysis showed that Angular is more popular than React.js, and React.js is more frequently spotted in job listings than View.js.
The rarest technologies (each having no more than one mention in all analyzed job listings) are AppleScript, CIL, Cuneiform, Euler, JASS, Dylan, Halide, JOVIAL, Kaleidoscope, Lava, Máni, MPL, Nu, Phalcon, PureScript, SASL, Squirrel, and TTM.
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